Well, only a few days left until I fly out of here. I am wondering if I am really ready? But I guess I will just have to go and put one foot in front of the other. I've been reading lots of posts on the Camino forum and probably that isn't helping my last minute jitters. I will get one last long backpack walk in sometime over this weekend and that will be it, I guess. The poor dogs haven't been out much lately because I've been hiking or walking elsewhere with friends. I guess they deserve a break. :) Yesterday, I walked the bird sanctuary trail in Salmon Arm. What a gorgeous spot to go if you are looking for a place to go. I saw lots of great blue herons and two families of brand new baby geese, all yellow and fluffy.
This weekend will be last minute finishing touches on the pack and on me. I have lots of stuff to do in the yard and garden and then I just have to "let go" and leave the guys to it.
Well, I probably won't post again til Bordeaux or St. Jean so, See you later! Thanks to everyone for the encouragement and support to do this crazy thing.