I am now seriously planning my Camino 2015. I will be starting in St. Jean Pied de Port on May 6 or 7th and flying back to Vancouver on June 10th. Since I have walked 2 sections of the Camino Frances previously, I have a bit of "wiggle room" in my schedule for potential injury, tiredness or sightseeing if I decide I need to bus some of it. At this point, I am wanting to walk the whole thing, 800 kms, but am giving myself permission to just take the experience as it comes and do what I need to to enjoy it as well as just do it!
I have almost everything I need for the trip and am really trying to think "light" in my packing. I know from the last trip that I can buy everything I need along the way. I have to remember that when I am packing....a light pack is the very best thing I can do for myself.
I have great shoes, Keens, which will be my main gear and I have some Keen sandals that I will take for resting my feet and for evenings. I have great smartwool socks and hiking poles. I have a good poncho too but am wondering if I need to try out one that is lighter. I'll be checking that out over the next few months. I need a poncho that will be effective and light. My MEC one is great for effectiveness but has a bit more weight to it than the one I saw at the Outdoor superstore in Rutland. Hey, the research is half the fun.
I have booked my flights, Vancouver to Paris, then Bayonne and returning from Paris direct to Vancouver. I got a great deal so the trip is off to a good start (AirFrance $900.42, with an upgrade to more legroom on the return flight)
Over the next few months, I'll be training, lots of walking, starting to carry a pack and learning to blog.
these will be a big part of my training over the next few months. :)
Great start! I will enjoy walking along with you (in spirit only). What you call a vacation sounds more like a death march to me.... but whatever makes you happy my friend - love you!