Tuesday, 5 May 2015


So, I  made it to Bordeaux without any problems. The connections in Paris were a bit intense but I met a couple from Vancouver on the plane and they were going through to Bordeaux too so we navigated together.  Once in Bordeaux I was really tired so I convinced myself that I could take a taxi but discovered that it would be about 45 euros. I quickly convinced myself that I wasn't that tired after all. So I took the city bus for 1.50 and made it to the old city center just fine....found my hotel and made lots of use of the tourist information booth.  I hate to confess what I ate today.  I can only blame jet lag.  OK, some yogurt and applesauce on the plane, then a bacon baguette for lunch at this huge pork market and some more applesauce from the plane for dinner followed by a huge churro  with Nutella.  So I hope to fall into a sort of jet lag /bad diet coma now. I have my train tickets for the trip to St. Jean  Pied de port  tomorrow early and know where and how to catch the tram to the train station.  So as long as my alarm clock works, I should be okay.

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